How we have sequenced the science curriculum
1. Units of work have been developed and planned that we know are interesting, relevant, and that provide the necessary framework within which to develop a broad range of scientific knowledge, skills and understanding whilst also ensuring full coverage of the national curriculum.
2. The units of work have been sequenced into the key scientific 'strands' (animals and humans, living things, materials, energy and forces (including the Earth and space), and the weather and environmental awareness and care) that develop particular aspects of scientific thinking and knowledge. This is built upon from unit to unit within each strand.
3. Running through all strands are the core science skills which are developed across all units of work from the EYFS to year 6. These underpin the teaching of all science and enable children to gradually master the methods, processes and skills necessary in order to work scientifically. As such, our core science skills provide the foundation for each and every science lesson taught at Spinney Hill.
4. Knowledge overviews have been created to support the teaching of each unit of work. The core knowledge is selected from these to provide the focus for teaching and learning by teachers at the planning stage.
Our science curriculum ensures that teachers can quickly gain an overview of each unit of work, what the learning outcomes are and how learning needs to be developed and build upon what has been taught before.