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I can go to the toilet by myself

When your child starts school in August, it is really important that they are able to go to the toilet by themselves.It is important for their own self esteem and confidence that they can use the toilet independently.

They should be able to undress themselves, use the toilet, clean themselves and get dressed again. They should also be able to flush the toilet and wash their hands. The toilet facilities in the reception classes are very child friendly. The toilets and sinks are at the children's height and so they should be able to use them easily.

 We would strongly advise you to take some time over the summer to practise toilet training your child if they are not already independent in going. On some occasions children will have accidents at school and that is perfectly fine. We will clean and change them in school. However, if your child is persistently spoiling themselves at school, then we would advise that you seek advice from our school nurse on how to toilet train your child. If you have concerns that your child is not toilet trained, please speak to your child's class teacher.

There are some useful website links below, for advice on toilet training and some stories that you can share with your child about going to the toilet.

Potty Training For Girls | Princess Polly's Potty

Pirate Pete's Potty | Potty Training Video For Toddlers | Story Time
