How we have sequenced the religious education curriculum
1. Units of work have been planned which we know are relevant to our children. They provide a framework within which children can develop a broad understanding of the practices and beliefs of different religions, develop a robust understanding of how we can learn through and from religion, and which cover the Leicestershire Agreed Syllabus.
2. The units of work have been organised into two 'strands': Religions in our Community (Hinduism, Christianity, Islam and Sikhism) and Learning Through Religion (Comparing and Contrasting, Our Beliefs, Our Lives and How We Lead Them, and The Big Questions). Each strand develops particular aspects of religious thinking and knowledge. These are linked to our drivers, issues relevant to our community, British Values, our RSHE curriculum and key subject knowledge. The Golden Rule of all religions - treating others as we would wish to be treated - is a 'golden thread' running through the curriculum from the Foundation Stage to Year 6.
3. Skills specific to the teaching of religious education (disciplinary knowledge) are developed through critical thinking. Critical thinking has been mapped out alongside vocabulary, enabling children to progressively develop their ability to make connections between different religions and other areas of learning.
4. Knowledge overviews have been created to support the teaching of each unit of work. The core knowledge is selected from these by teachers when planning lessons. This provides the focus for teaching and learning.
Our curriculum ensures that teachers can quickly gain an overview of each unit of work, identify what the learning outcomes are and how learning needs to be developed from what has been taught previously.