Home Page

Useful Websites


There are lots of phonic resources and games on:

The username is - march20

The Passwords is - home


Twinkle Resources

There are lots of resources and games that are available for your children in phonics, maths, writing. There are lots of fun craft ideas that you can do at home with your child on:

Type in your email.

The password is CVDTWINKLHELPS


Physical Exercise

Get motivated for learning every morning. PE with Joe will be on YouTube every morning at 9am.  It provides children with a PE session right in their homes. Have a go. Parents you can also join in!!!


Mr.Pepper and Miss Magee have a PE page on our website, where you can see them exercise. Join in with them and get fit!!!


Please also have a look at our library page on the school website for virtual books.

Harold will be posting a daily blog: Harold’s Daily Diary!  


Each day he’ll be giving children positive, fun messages about what he’s doing to stay happy and healthy while he’s off school, separated from his friends. He’ll invite the children to join in with activities he’s doing.


He’ll be giving children ideas for how he – and they – can get a routine going for their day, including the things we all need to do to live a balanced, healthy life. These include:


·Taking regular exercise

·Being creative

·Helping others

·Connecting with others – in ways that are safe

·Mindfulness – learning to enjoy the moment, here and now.


Here’s the link to it:
