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Opening Times

The school day starts at 8.50am. Teachers are on the playground from 8.40am and will begin to take the children inside school. Your child is late if they arrive to school after 8.50am. If they are late please ensure they enter the school by the school office. This ensures that they are given a late mark, are registered as being present and their dinner arrangement recorded. It is essential that we accurately record your child is safe in school and avoids any upset when we make a telephone call to say your child is not in school.

For further information about attendance and lateness please see our Attendance Matters section


School finishes at 3.20pm. Please be prompt to collect your child as it can be distressing for a child to be collected late. Your child's teacher will remain on the playground until 3.30pm after this your child will be collected from the school downstairs hall. Persistent lateness to collect will be followed up in school with a meeting with a senior leader.

At the beginning and end of the school day, parents are encouraged into the playground. This helps to build up a close relationship between home and school – we want to have good links with all parents. If normal arrangements have to be altered (e.g. another person is collecting your child) please let us know. This avoids any confusion or upset.


Morning playtimes

Children in Y1 and Y2 have a morning break from 10.15 – 10.35; older children from 10.35 – 11.00.



Children have lunch at 12.00. Lunchtime for all children ends at 1.05pm. Children in the Foundation 2 (Reception) classes start their lunches at 11.30am.

We request that home dinner children do not return to school before 1.00 p.m. However, please ensure that they are not late.



Getting to school

To get to and from school, walking is definitely the best option! There are lots of benefits: it’s healthier than travelling by car, it improves the safety of pedestrians and road-users, and it respects nearby residents and parking regulations. If you do need to travel by car, please park wisely. Please do not park on our yellow zig-zag lines.


A prompt start helps your child to learn. Your child could lose days of their education if they are regularly late. Please get them up and get them here on time and ready to learn.
