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Reporting Online Safety Concerns

Tips, advice, guides and resources to help keep your child safe online


"As a parent or carer you play a key role in helping your child to stay safe online.

You don’t need to be an expert on the internet to help keep your child stay safe online. Our advice and resources are here to support you as you support your child to use the internet safely, responsibility and positively."(UK Safer Internet Centre, 2021)

Please look at the following links for advice on keeping your child safe online: (South West Grid for Learning)  (UK Safer Internet Group)


There is also a page in the Parents section of our website on Internet Safety and Harm with lots of useful information and advice:

Internet Safety and Harm




Reporting Online Harmful Content


On the front of our website is a tool called Whisper where it is possible for parents or carers, pupils or staff to report anonymously any concerns around harmful content to which they feel they may have been exposed.


Illegal Content should be reported to the following agencies:

National Crime Agency (NCA): serious crime, CEOP 

Internet Watch Foundation (IWF): child sexual images

Action Counters Terrorism (ACT): terrorism, suspicious activity

TRUEVISION: Hate crimes


Legal but harmful content should be reported to:

Report Harmful Content (RHC)

What is Online Harmful Content?

The grid below shows common threats from online harmful content (from SWGfL). The '4 Cs' are the different stages at which children can be affected:

Content (What the child may be seeing on line)

Contact (What might be being sent to the child)

Conduct (What the child may be doing themselves online)

Contract (Where children may be being exploited)

The cross-cutting headings are in each stage.

You may need to scroll across the grid to see each section in detail.




Child as recipient


Child as participant


Child as actor


Child as consumer


Violent gory graphic racist hateful extremist

Harassment stalking unwanted surveillance

Bullying hateful peer activity  - trolling, exclusion, shaming

Identity theft

Fraud phishing scams gambling blackmail


Pornography sexualisation of culture body image

Sexual harassment grooming generation and sharing of child sexual abuse material

Sexual harassment, non consensual pressures and messages

Sextortion trafficking for sexual exploitation

Streaming sexual abuse


Age inappropriate user generated marketing content or misinformation

Radicalism extremism and recruitment

Harmful user communities: self-harm,  anti-vaccine peer pressures

Polarisation, persuasive design, profiling bias


Privacy and data protection abuses, physical and mental health risks, forms of discrimination

Having a conversation with your child


Safer Internet say it is really important to chat with your children on an ongoing basis about staying safe online. Not sure where to begin?  Safer Internet have provided these conversation starter suggestions which may help.


Ask your children to tell you about the sites they like to visit and what they enjoy doing online.

What games do you and your friends like to play online? Can you show me the websites you visit the most? Shall we play your favourite game online together?


Ask them about how they stay safe online.

What tips do they have for you, and where did they learn them? What is OK and not OK to share?


Ask them if they know where to go for help.

Where can they go to find the safety advice, privacy settings and how to report or block on the services they use?


Think about how you each use the internet.

What more could you do to use the internet together? Are there activities that you could enjoy as a family?

School Policy

Please read our online safety policy below. There is also a copy of an online safety guide from SWGfL for Parents.



Our online safety lead is: Bernie Ranzetta

Our Computing leads are:  Anna Kyle and Reena Parmar Gosal

Our IT Technician is: Jack Beaumont


Please feel free to contact the school regarding concerns around online safety or delivery of the curriculum

Tel: 0116 2737047


