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Spinney Hill Primary School was inspected by Ofsted in November 2022.  This was an ungraded inspection. This means that the grade for your school does not change. Inspectors found that the school remained good.


The inspectors were really impressed with our children. They found them to be welcoming, friendly, respectful, very hard working and aspire to achieve their very best.

Ofsted described our school as being a place where: 

'Pupils thrive at this harmonious, inclusive and diverse school. They say that they are happy and feel safe here. Pupils behave well in classrooms and at social times. Rare instances of bullying are dealt with promptly. Pupils trust many adults to help them should they be worried or have a problem. They get on very well with each other. One pupil said, ‘We need to treat others how we want to be treated.’

Leaders and staff have high expectations for all pupils. This includes those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils are expected to ‘inspire, support, grow and achieve’. They do. They have pride in their learning and work hard. They take an active role in lessons and are keen to answer teachers’ questions.'

Parents and Carers who expressed their opinions hold positive views of the school. One parent said, ‘I would recommend Spinney Hill as the staff are always there to support the parents and children. It is amazing.’

You can find lots more detailed information in the report below. We have translated it into different languages to help parents understand.


We talked with Ofsted about how we want to improve further. They agreed with our priorities.
It has been identified that over the next few years we will focus on
•    Improving the planning of teaching of subjects such as Design Technology, Modern Foreign Languages and Computing. They were really impressed with how much we have developed our curriculum but recognised that we wish to spend more time developing these subjects even further
•    Working with parents to know how to support their children’s learning now Post Covid we can have more parents back in school. They recognised how we have supported lots of families over the years and developed different kinds of support. To be even better we want to look at how we can help you understand the curriculum and different strategies we implement in school. I think this is a really exciting opportunity.


Mrs Stretton has recorded a video explaining what Ofsted is and how the school has improved over time. Open the video by clicking on the title link below (the red writing)

Ofsted and how we have improved over time



