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2012 - 2013

Narrowing the Gaps: Pupil Premium Reading


158 pupils were eligible for Pupil Premium funding in 2012 -2013. All pupils who were eligible for Pupil Premium took part in a 1:1 Reading Programme delivered by 3 specialist teachers. Pupils received a daily 15 minute session of reading and inference work for a block of 6 weeks. Progress of pupils was measured on the Salford Reading Scale at the beginning and end of the intervention. Progress was also measured by average point scores and national curriculum levels for Reading.


Impact on National Curriculum Reading Levels:


(EYFS and KS1)


  • Foundation 2 - 11 pupils were eligible for pupil premium. 9 pupils made good or better progress in reading and attained expected or exceeding Early Learning Goals for Reading.
  • Year 1 – 18 pupils were eligible for pupil premium. 10 pupils made good or better progress in Reading while 5 pupils made satisfactory progress. The average APS for the Year 1 pupil premium group was 10.3 (equivalent to a Level 1B / 1A)
  • Year 2 - 20 pupils who were eligible for pupil premium made an average point score progress of 6.70 over the year. 17 pupils for whom data was available made good or better progress in Reading. No pupils made poor to satisfactory progress. The average APS for the Year 2 pupil premium group was 15.1 (equivalent to a Level 2B) 3 pupils (15% of pupil premium cohort) did not reach a level 2 by the end of Key Stage 1




  • Year 3 - 25 pupils who were eligible for pupil premium made an average point score progress of 4.43 over the year. 16 pupils made good or better progress in Reading. 7 pupils made poor to satisfactory progress. The average APS for the Year3 pupil premium group was 20.1 (equivalent to a Level 3C / 3B)
  • Year 4 - 29 pupils who were eligible for pupil premium made an average point score progress of 3.24 over the year. 16 pupils made good or better progress in Reading. 13 pupils made poor to satisfactory progress. The average APS for the Year4 pupil premium group was 20.9 (equivalent to a Level 3B)
  • Year 5 - 25 pupils who were eligible for pupil premium made an average point score progress of 3.45 over the year. 14 pupils made good or better progress in Reading. 8 pupils made poor to satisfactory progress. The average APS for the Year 5 pupil premium group was 22.6 (equivalent to a Level 3A)
  • Year 6 – 30 pupils who were eligible for pupil premium made an average point score progress of 2.96 over the year. 12 pupils made good or better progress in Reading. 15 pupils made poor to satisfactory progress. The average APS for the Year 6 pupil premium group was 25 (equivalent to a Level 4C). 6 pupils (20% of pupil premium cohort) did not reach a level 4C by the end of Key Stage 2.


Impact on Reading Ages:


(EYFS & KS1)


  • Foundation 2 – 2 pupils were able to access the Salford Reading test and recorded an improvement in their reading age of between 12 and 16 months.
  • Year 1 – Pupils made an average gain in reading age of just over 12 months over the 6 week period.
  • Year 2 - Pupils made an average gain in reading age of 11 months over the 6 week period.