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Spinney Hill Mindfulness Photo Project

Hello Everyone


We are all know how good physical activity is for our bodies, but it is also really good for our brains too. I have come up with an idea that I want you to try with your family, which will both help you physically and mentally. Currently we are blessed with this fantastci weather and hopefully you are able to get out and enjoy this in some the beautiful green spaces we have around Leicester such as Spinney Park, Humberstone Park, Victoria Park or Abbey Park, even if it is just inyour garden. So the next time you are in one of thses places I want you to take a bit of time to enjoy the sights and sounds; How do these make you feel? What kind of emotions? What can you see? What can you hear?  Now can you take a photograph of your surrounding that shows these feeling? 


Once you have taken this photograph and you are happy with it get your parents to send it to the school once we have all the phots we could create a large montage of all the photos to go up somewhere in the school to remind us of those feelings. 


I have put in a couple of examples that I took on my daily walk for you to look at with a couple of tips on taking photos. 


Hope to see you all soon, take care Mr Pepper

Mindfulness Photos

Still image for this video
Your subject may not stay still so you might need to be patient
If you get the sun behind your subject it can may a really beautiful and dramatci photograph. Just make sure you do not look at the sun. 
You may find yourself rolling around on the floor, but it is all good fun. 
The photo does not have to be something that is normal, try to be a creative as you can.
Look for interesting shapes