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Ensure you log on to Active Learn to access Power Maths, where you can explore the resources that have been used in lessons. 

How to use the number track


Use the dinosaurs to move along the number track.

Practice counting numbers up to 10

You can hide the numbers and ask your child what comes next

Place the dinosaur on a number and ask your child what is 1 more and 1 less than the number



How to use the multi link cubes 


Use the image back to pick pictures that your child likes 

practice counting as far as your child can

ensure they are counting one object at a time 

they could begin counting in 2s, 5s and 10s

How to use the 5 frame 

Click to select the 5 frames 

Use the counters to put inside the boxes

Discuss which frames has more and which frame has fewer

Encourage your child to use these words 

You can begin to add numbers to 5 using yellow and red counters

You can tell a more and less story

First there were 3 yellow counters, then 2 more counts came, after there were 5 counters

First there were 5 counters altogether, then 3 counters left, after there were 2 counters left

Children have been working this way in class so are familiar with this approach.

How to use papers 

Papers is an excellent way for your child to explore their own fascinations. 

You can change the papers and select different objects.

Allow your child to explore and create their own mathematical fascinations.


How to use Part Whole

Click on the top circle to select a number. This is the whole. 

Begin with numbers up to 5 and then increase up to 10.

Use the objects to make the number in the two parts. 

This is another method to support your child to notice patterns and subtraction and addition. 

