Please follow the links below for information on how to apply for the free activities and food programme for eligible children over the school holidays.
Leicester City's holiday activities and food (HAF) programme is funded by the Department for Education and takes place during the winter, Easter and summer holidays.
Holiday Activities and Food programme or HAF is gives eligible children the opportunity to access 6 weeks of free activities and food spread over the Easter, summer and winter school holidays.
Our HAF programme is only available to children and young people who meet all of the following criteria:
Eligible children can access 6 weeks of free activities and food spread over the Easter, summer and winter school holidays.
Activity programme normally take place over 4 hours a day for 4 days. However, some of the HAF providers offer flexible programmes that may run for longer hours over less days, or shorter hours over more days.
Each eligible child will also be given a nutritious and healthy lunch on each programme day that they attend.
The HAF programme is funded by the Department for Education.
Eligible children can attend up to four weeks of HAF programme over the school holiday. The summer HAF programme is now open to book.
Follow the link below to find the list of our HAF provider and follow their booking instruction detailed on their webpage.